🙋‍♀️Hi I am

Amaka Ujumadu

Front-end developer now based in the United Kingdom

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A preview of my portfolio showcasing some of my front-end projects/designs

yogurt app

Yogurt app

Greek yogurt is a well-loved dairy product recognized for its thick, creamy consistency and impressive nutritional benefits. It is produced by straining regular yogurt to eliminate whey and lactose, resulting in a denser product with higher protein content and lower sugar levels. Greek yogurt is protein-rich with abundant probiotics providing a nutrient-dense and versatile meal.

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Weather app

Project Title: Weather App
Objective: To create a web application that fetches and displays real-time weather data for a specified location. Technologies Used: HTML: For structuring the web page. CSS: For styling the web page. JavaScript: For fetching and displaying weather data from an API.

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Weather app preview
Jewelry website preview

Jewelry App

Jewelry making is a very creative art. A jewelry is an object that we put on specific parts of our bodies or clothes to make our outfit come together, making us look glamorous. It could be a pair of earrings, a brooch, a wristwatch, a necklace, some bangles or a pair of cuff-links.

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